Friday 27 January 2017

Partition (MBR Vs GPT)

Partition Table - 

A partition table is a 64-byte data structure that provides basic information for a computer's operating system about the division of the hard disk drive (HDD) into primary partitions.

A data structure is an efficient way of organizing data. A partition is a division of a HDD into logically independent sections.

There are two ways of Partition

1- MBR Partition Table

2- GPT Partition Table

Advantages of GPT-

  • It is modern Partition Table
  • It has no limitation like MBR Partition Table
  • Robust Standard 
  • Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 run on GPT Partition 
  • GPR gradually replacing MBR
  • Helpful in DUAL BOOT 

 Check & Conversion - 

Steps -

♣  Evaluate CMD.
(Note- window + R, then type " cmd " and hit enter)

♣ Type " diskpart "

♣ Type " list disk "

♣ Type " select disk #
(Note - # is a number of your disk in which you want to perform operation. Please choose disk carefully, It will lead to data lose. )

♣ Type "
clean "
(Note - This Commands delete your data )

♣ Type " convert gpt "  or " convert mbr "
(Note - GPT is recommended )

♣ Type " exit "

Saturday 21 January 2017

Hidden Game On Google Chrome

Game on Google Chrome

Would you every seen, this image on the your Google Chrome Browser .

It is a small game , embedded in google chrome to play when ever net is not working properly or you have slow connection (that cannot able to load a web page)

How to play this Game.

♥ Disconnect your internet connection.

♥ Load any website, it won’t load since there is no internet. It will show an error message which will     have a dinosaur on the top.
♥ Press the “Space Bar” key and dinosaur will jump in the air, the game will start immediately. Use       space bar key to jump, down arrow key to bend the dinosaur. (It can also play with UP and Down       Key)

It’s a really very addictive game. 

Google Chrome also add extra sweetness by adding flying birds and after make a considerable score it goes into night mode that looks awesome.

Use this hacked version to play any time without needing to go offline -

By - Somesh Sah

Wednesday 18 January 2017


What is Bitcoin ?

◘ Bitcoin is digital currency (cryptocurrency) and a payment system

◘ Bitcoins aren’t printed, like our Rupee, Dollars or Euros

◘ It is created and held electronically (through nodes) and No one controls it.

◘ Bitcoin is invented by an unidentified programmer, or group of programmers, under the name of Satoshi Nakamoto.

◘ Bitcoin was introduced on 31 October 2008

◘ Bit coins are produced by people, and increasingly businesses, running computers all around the world, using software that solves mathematical problems.

Difference Between Bit coin and Normal Currency?

◘ It is not printed.

◘ Banks don't have power to control it.

◘ Bitcoin can be used to buy things electronically.

◘ No transaction fee imposed (By any bank)

◘ The system is peer to peer and transactions take place between users directly.

Characteristics of a Bitcoin ?

It is Anonymous - It can not linked with your any personal details.You also have multiple accounts to handle bitcoin.

Transaction fees - Banks charge Transaction fees whereas in Bitcoin no transaction charged.

It is fast - You can send money anywhere and it will arrive within a minutes.

It is decentralized -The bitcoin network is not controlled by one central authority.

Site to Buy and Sell Bitcoin

For more Information and stat dealing with bitcoin please visit

By - Somesh Sah


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