Sunday 14 January 2018


Microsoft partnered with Canonical (creator of Ubuntu) to bring Linux environment experience in Windows 10. Through Windows Subsystem For Linux (WSL), users can use Linux tools using bash on Windows. This is especially for command line tools rather than GUI tools because exception and errors will occur in Windows 10 environment. Most of command line tools will run in WSL.

How We can activate WINDOWS SUBSYSTEM FOR LINUX in Windows 10

       For accessing WSL, Windows 10 should be updated to Fall Creators Update. After updating Operating system, follow the steps as below: -

Open control panel (either from start menu).

Click on Programs and Features.

In the opened window, on the left side click on TURN WINDOWS FEATURE ON OR OFF

Now check the WINDOWS SUBSYSTEM FOR LINUX and then click OK.

Restart your computer.

Now Again, start your computer.

Go to Microsoft Store App (from start menu)
Search Linux
Download from available Linux distro (i.e. Ubuntu, Fedora and Suse Linux)

After download open Linux
It will take some time to setup

Now you can run Linux commands in windows without installing actual Linux as Operating system.


Microsoft partnered with Canonical (creator of Ubuntu) to bring Linux environment experience in Windows 10. Through Windows Subsystem F...