Monday 19 September 2016

The Cyber Crimes In India

"Cyber Crime defined as a crime that is done from system using Internet."


"Cyber Crime is unlawful act done from the digital devices using Internet."

According to

" Cyber crime, also called computer crime, is any illegal activity that involves a computer or network-connected device, such as a mobile phone or computer or laptops."

In the world of computers Cyber Crimes is done in two ways -

1- Computer as a Target - Using a computer attack to other computers.

    eg- Hacking, send Virus/Worm , DOS attack etc.

2- Computer as a weapon  - Using a computer to commit crimes.

    eg- Credit card frauds, Pornography etc.

Cyber Crimes are -

 Unauthorized access & Hacking
Using other system without its permission or acknowledgment.

 Trojan Attack
A Trojan horse is a kind of a program that allows the attacker/hacker to control the user’s computer from a remote location.

  Virus and Worm attack
A worm is a malicious computer program that replicates itself usually over a computer network.
A virus is a computer program that attaches itself to legitimate programs and files without the user’s consent.

 E-mail & IRC related crimes
1. Email spoofing
2. Email Spamming
3 Sending malicious codes through email
4. Email bombing
5. Sending threatening emails
6. Defamatory emails
7. Email frauds
8. IRC ( Internet Relay Chat ) related

   Denial of Service attacks:-
Flooding a computer resource with more requests than it can handle. This causes the resource to crash thereby denying access of service to authorized users.

  Distributed DOS
A distributed denial of service (DoS) attack is accomplished by using the Internet to break into computers and using them to attack a network.
Hundreds or thousands of computer systems across the Internet can be turned into “zombies” and used to attack another system or website.


 Cyber Terrorism:-
Targeted attacks on military installations, power plants, air traffic control, banks, trail traffic control, telecommunication networks are the most likely targets. Others like police, medical, fire and rescue systems etc.
Cyberterrorism is an attractive option for modern terrorists for several reasons.
1.It is cheaper than traditional terrorist methods.
2.Cyberterrorism is more anonymous than traditional terrorist methods.
3.The variety and number of targets are enormous.
4.Cyberterrorism can be conducted remotely, a feature that is especially appealing to terrorists.
5.Cyberterrorism has the potential to affect directly a larger number of people.

  Banking/Credit card Related crimes:-
 stolen card information or fake credit/debit cards are common.
Bank employee can grab money using programs to deduce small amount of money from all customer accounts and adding it to own account also called as salami.
Source -  

   E-commerce/ Investment Frauds:-

   Online gambling:-
There are millions of websites hosted on servers abroad, that offer online gambling. In fact, it is believed that many of these websites are actually fronts for money laundering.

 Identity Theft :- 
Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in countries like America.
Identity theft occurs when someone appropriates another's personal information without their knowledge to commit theft or fraud.

 Data diddling:-
Information is changed from the way it should be entered by a person typing in the data, a virus that changes data, the programmer of the database or application, or anyone else involved in the process of having information stored in a computer file.

 Theft of Internet Hours:-
Unauthorized use of Internet hours paid for by another person.

 Physically damaging a computer system:-
Physically damaging a computer by sending viruses or anything that can damage our hardware is a crime.
Source -  

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