Hello Friends,
Today i am going to tell you something about file system in Kali-Linux or any Linux distributions. File system Hierarchy Standard (F.H.S) defines the directory structure and directory contents in Linux operating systems.
"Think of a refrigerator that has multiple shelves that can be used for storing various items. These shelves help you organize the grocery items by shape, size, type, etc. The same concept applies to a file system, which is the embodiment of a method of storing and organizing arbitrary collections of data in a human-usable form."
Different Types of Filesystems Supported by Linux:-
- Conventional disk filesystems: ext2, ext3, ext4, XFS, Btrfs, JFS,NTFS, etc.
- Flash storage filesystems: ubifs, JFFS2, YAFFS, etc.
- Database filesystems
- Special purpose filesystems: procfs, sysfs, tmpfs, debugfs, etc.
This section will describe the standard filesystem layout shared by most Linux distributions.
Based on Debian-package compliance, Kali Linux ( or any Linux ) follows this FHS. This means it allows all Linux users to easily locate binaries, support files, libraries, etc. Kali Linux has more than 300 penetration testing tools and you will be able to call any tool from anywhere on the system as every application is included in the system path. Unlike Backtrack, you do not have to navigate, just type the command name of the tool in root terminal and you are set to go.
Partitions and Filesystems
A partition is a logical part of the disk, whereas a filesystem is a method of storing/finding files on a hard disk (usually in a partition). By way of analogy, you can think of filesystems as being like family trees that show descendants and their relationships, while the partitions are like different families (each of which has its own tree).Also READ this:-
WI-FI Hacking Without WORDLIST using KALI LINUX
Hack FACEBOOK using Kali-Linux - Step Wise
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