Wednesday 16 September 2015


Hacking tools can be dangerous, So be careful, handle tools with lots of  care...they can be just as useful tools for a good ethical hacker.

 Hacking tools make hacking quite easy. But , Hackers don’t  depend on hacking tools .These tools make it very simple, but they are nothing unless you have the knowledge about other aspects of hacking as well.

Wireless Hacking:
1. Aircrack-ng
2. Kismet 

Intrusion Detection Systems:
1. Snort
2. NetCop

Port Scanners:
1. Nmap

Encryption Tools:
1. KeePass 
2. OpenSSH
3. Putty
4. OpenSSL
5. Tor
6. OpenVPN

Password Crackers
1. Ophcrack
2. Medusa
3. RainbowCrack
4. Wfuzz
5. Brutus
6. L0phtCrack
7. THC Hydra

Packet Crafting: 
1. Hping
2. Scapy
3. Netcat
4. Socat

Traffic Monitoring: 
1. Splunk
2. Nagios
3. P0f
4. Ngrep

Packet Sniffers:
1. Wireshark
2. Tcpdump
3. Ettercap

Vulnerability Exploitation: 
1. Metasploit
2. sqlmap
3. Social Engineer Toolkit
4. BeEF

NOTE- These tools are pre-installed in kali linux (almost all tools).

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