Wednesday 2 September 2015


1. BruteForce Attack

Any type of password can be cracked by using Brute-force attack. Brute-force attacks try every possible combinations of numbers, letters and special characters until the right combination is matched. It is an long time process (time tacking process) depending upon difficulty of combination.

2. Social Engineering

Social engineering is process of manipulating someone to trust you and get information from them. It is similar to phishing

3. Rats And Keyloggers

In keylogging or RATing the hacker sends keylogger or rat to the victim. This allows hacker to monitor every thing victim do on his computer. Every keystroke is logged including passwords. More ever hacker can even control the victim’s computer.

4. Phishing

Phishing is the most easiest and popular way of hacking used by hackers to get someone account details. In Phishing attack hacker send fake page of real website like yahoo mail, gmail to victim. When someone login through that fake page his details is send to the hacker. This fake pages can be easily created and hosted on free web-hosting sites.

5. Guessing

This seems simple but very effective and easily help you to get someones password within seconds. If hacker knows you, he can use information he knows about you to guess your password.
For safety …don’t use simple passwords like your name, sir name,date of birth ,phone number etc.  

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