Monday 21 September 2015


Computer security also known as information security or cyber security is mainly associated with computer,internet  & computing devices like computer systems,smart phones,computer network etc.


Hacker is a term used for "a clever programmer", "who tries to break into computer systems."
Hacking is the part of computer science which helps to finding loopholes and exploits in a system or web system.
Technical definition of Hacking is-
Getting an unauthorized access or  entry in someone's digital life or finding loopholes and flaws in a computer system or computer network.

Difference b/w Hacker and Cracker
A hacker is someone who seeks and exploits loopholes and flaws in a computer system or computer network to secure the network.Whereas a cracker is someone who hacks a system for his own benefits and fun.They cause a lot of troubles.

Classification of Hackers


1 ) Script Kiddies
They are the beginners in the field of hacking.These  people are those  who don't even know about  the 'H' of Hacking.They simply use third party tools and follow step by step tutorials to break the security but they don't know what is actually going on.There knowledge about hacking is less or nothing.

2 ) Admins
Most of the hackers fall in this category.They have a good knowledge of hacking.
They also use third party tools available on internet as well as they used their brain & knowledge to access others computers systems.

3 ) Coders
They are the Hacking Gods or legends of cyber world.they are the most dangers hackers. They develop or code their own tool which in turn are used by script kiddies and admins.It takes a lot of hard work,deep knowledge,zeal and enthusiasm to become a coder.


1 ) White Hat Hackers
They are the good guys in the cyber world.They exploit a computer system or a web server to find loopholes and then they patch those loopholes for good.
They help in stopping the cyber crimes.There is a scarcity of white hat hackers in the IT world.Companies are ready to pay huge amount of money to protect their sites,servers etc.So be one of them.Become a white hat hacker.

2 ) Black Hat Hackers
Here come the bad boys in the cyber world.They are responsible for breaking the system,distributing viruses and malwares. They use their skills for bad purposes like stealing credit card numbers,email id & its password.
I would suggest you not to become a black hat hacker because use your knowledge for a  good purpose.

3 )Grey Hat Hackers
As their name suggests,they stand between white hat hackers and black hat hackers.They are basically white hat hackers but they do bad things just to prove themselves.Most of the hackers fall in this category.

Scopes of HACKERS

Hackers play vital and crucial role in the technical field..As a HACKER you can do the following works as discribed below :-

  • you can work in top level MNC's as security administrator and one of the best thing that you will have control our the whole server system which will be manipulated according to your desire. Which i think in the dream of every HACKER to have full access over something.
  • Now lets see in terms of salary what you will got....???     you will have an addition of 25 to 30% more salary over each and every colleague whit which you are working.
  •  beside going for a privte job you can also apply for government jobs as well. And there you salary will be based on your experience. 

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